

Prof. Zhihai He
IEEE Fellow


何志海,南方科技大学电子系讲席教授,长江学者讲席学者(2023),广东省珠江人才(2022),深圳市海外高层次人才(2021),IEEE Fellow(2015)。2021年全职回国前就职于美国密苏里大学电子工程系18年(2003-2021),离任前为该系终身正教授和Robert Lee Tatum讲席教授。2001年获得加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)电子工程专业博士学位。从2003年开始,围绕人工智能物联网和智能信息物理系统(Smart Cyber-Physical Systems)开展了长期深入的前沿研究,长期以来从事于多媒体通信、机器视觉、物联网和人工智能方面研究工作。研究成果成功应用于智能制造、智慧养老医疗、智能交通、生态环境、远程特殊教育培训等领域。承担了十多项美国国家科学基金(NSF)、国防部(DOD)、国家卫生研究院(NIH)重点研究项目,累计资助基金超过2500万美元。发表高质量论文180多篇,荣获2002年IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(TCSVT)最佳论文、SPIE青年科学家等重要奖项。入选2019~2022年斯坦福大学全球顶级科学家(World’s Top 2% Scientists)终身科学影响力排行榜和年度科学影响力排行榜。


  • 机器学习
  • 机器视觉
  • 人工智能物联网
  • 智能信息物理系统
  • 多媒体网络通信
  • 智能制造
  • 工业AI检测
  • 智慧大健康与智慧生态


  • (2021 - 至今) 南方科技大学电子系 讲席教授
  • (2013 - 2021) 美国密苏里大学 终身正教授
  • (2009 - 2013) 美国密苏里大学 终身副教授
  • (2003 - 2009) 美国密苏里大学 助理教授
  • (2001 - 2003) 美国新泽西普林斯顿大卫-索纳福研究中心 研究工程师


  • (2022) 被评为“广东省珠江杰出人才”
  • (2021) 被评为“深圳市海外高层次人才”
  • (2019) 获密苏里大学“Robert Lee Tantum特聘教授”
  • (2017) 获密苏里大学工学院“资深教授研究成就奖”
  • (2015) 获评为“IEEE Fellow”
  • (2011) 获IEEE-TCSVT杰出期刊编委奖
  • (2009) 获密苏里大学工学院“杰出青年研究创新奖” (University of Missouri Provost Research Innovation Award)
  • (2008) 获密苏里大学“青年教师研究成就奖” (University of Missouri Junior Faculty Research Award)
  • (2006) 获Marquis 世界科学工程名人录(Marquis Who’s Who in Engineering)
  • (2004) 获SPIE视频通信和图像处理青年科学家奖(SPIE Young lnvestigator Award)
  • (2002) 获IEEE视频技术“最佳论文奖”(IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Best Paper Award)


  • (2021.01至今;2009.012011.01) 国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 编委
  • (2016.08 – 至今) 深圳深视创新科技有限公司 首席科学家(兼职)
  • (2009 – 2013) 国际期刊 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 编委
  • (2009.06 – 至今) Elsevier Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 编委
  • (2008) 国际期刊 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technologies 客座编辑
  • (2005) 国际无线多媒体会议(International Symposium on Wireless Multimedia, Hawaii)副主席
  • (2007) IEEE 视频处理技术委员会委员


  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),CPS: SenSE: Wearable hybrid biochemical and biophysical sensing systems integrated with robust artificial, 项目共同负责人Co-PI, 项目总额:73.8万美元,2020-09 至 2021-01。
  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),CPS: Synergy: Cyber-Physical Sensing, Modeling, and Control with Augmented Reality for Smart Manufacturing Workforce Training and Operations Management National Science Foundation, 项目负责人PI, 项目总额:19.6万美元,2017-02 至 2020-01。
  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),NSF-USIgnite: Focus Area 1: A GENI-Enabled Virtual Reality System for Immersive Online Social Learning of Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders,项目负责人PI, 项目总额:59.9万美元,2017-02 至 2020-01。
  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),CyberSEES: Collaborative Research: Cyber-infrastructure and Technologies to Support Large-Scale Wildlife Monitoring and Research for Wildlife and Ecology Sustainability, 项目总额:68.9万美元,2015-11 至 2018-10。
  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Physical Sensing, Modeling, and Control for Large-Scale Wastewater Reuse and Algal Biomass Production,项目负责人PI, 项目总额:67万美元,2015-09 至 2018-08。
  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),Collaborative Research: ABI Innovation: Computational and Informatics Tools for Supporting Collaborative Wildlife Monitoring and Research,项目负责人PI, 项目总额: 89.8万美元,2011-08 至 2015-07。
  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),Collaborative Research : Processes Determining Abundance of Terrestrial Wildlife Communities Across Large Scales National Science Foundation, 项目负责人PI, 项目总额:37.4万美元,2011-01 至 2014-05。
  • 美国陆军LWI研究院,Suspicious Activity Analysis for Force Protection, 项目负责人PI, 项目总额:48.9万美元,2009-09至 2010-08。
  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),CPS: Medium: Active Heterogeneous Sensing for Fall Detection and Fall Risk Assessment, 项目共同负责人Co-PI, 项目总额:141万美元,2009-01 至 2012-08。
  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),HCC: Elder-Centered Recognition Technology for the Assessment of Physical Function, 项目共同负责人Co-PI, 项目总额:91.2万美元,2007-09 至 2011-08。
  • 美国国家卫生研究院(NIH),Automated Activity Analysis for Eldercare, 项目负责人PI, 项目总额:28.8万美元,2007-07 至 2009-06。
  • 美国国家科学基金(NSF),SIRG: Collaborative Research : DeerNet – Wireless sensor networks for wildlife behavior monitoring, interaction modeling, and disease tracking, 项目负责人PI, 项目总额:48万美元,2005-09 至 2009-08。



  • Yushun Tang, Ce Zhang, Heng Xu, Shuoshuo Chen, Jie Cheng, Luziwei Leng, Qinghai Guo, Zhihai He, “Neuro-Modulated Hebbian Learning for Fully Test-Time Adaptation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.00914, 2023.
  • Zhehan Kan, Shuoshuo Chen, Ce Zhang, Yushun Tang, Zhihai He, “Self-Correctable and Adaptable Inference for Generalizable Human Pose Estimation.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11180, 2023.
  • Qifan Liu, Wenming Cao, Zhihai He, “Cycle optimization metric learning for few-shot classification.” Pattern Recognition, 2023, 139: 109468.


  • Shichao Kan, Yigang Cen, Yang Li, Mladenovic Vladimir, and Zhihai He, “Local Semantic Correlation Modeling Over Graph Neural Networks for Deep Feature Embedding and Image Retrieval,” in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 31, pp. 2988-3003, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TIP.2022.3163571.
  • Wenming Cao, Canta Zheng, Zhiyue Yan, Zhihai He, Weixin Xie, “Geometric machine learning: research and applications,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022, 81(21): 30545-30597.
  • Shichao Kan, Yixiong Liang, Min Li, Yigang Cen, Jianxin Wang, Zhihai He, “Coded Residual Transform for Generalizable Deep Metric Learning.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.04180 (2022).
  • Zhineng Zhao, Qifan Liu, Wenming Cao, Deliang Lian, Zhihai He, “Self-guided information for few-shot classification.” Pattern Recognition 131 (2022): 108880.
  • Zhehan Kan, Shuoshuo Chen, Zeng Li, Zhihai He, “Self-Constrained Inference Optimization on Structural Groups for Human Pose Estimation.” Computer Vision–ECCV 2022: 17th European Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 23–27, 2022, Proceedings, Part V. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.
  • Shichao Kan, Zhiquan He, Yigang Cen, Yang Li, Vladimir Mladenovic, and Zhihai He, “Contrastive Bayesian Analysis for Deep Metric Learning,” in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3221486.
  • Md Moniruzzaman, Zhaozheng Yin, Zhihai He, Ming C Leu, and Ruwen Qin, “Jointly-Learnt Networks for Future Action Anticipation via Self-Knowledge Distillation and Cycle Consistency,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2022.3232021.


  • Zou, Wenlan, Yi Luo, Wenming Cao, Zhiquan He, and Zhihai He. “A cascaded registration network RCINet with segmentation mask.” Neural Computing and Applications (2021): 1-17.
  • Oruche, Roland, Vaibhav Akashe, Samaikya Valluripally, Aniket Gulhane, Prasad Calyam, Janine Stichter, and Zhihai He. “A Networked Social Virtual Reality Learning Environment Platform for Special Education.” In 2021 IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), pp. 573-580. IEEE, 2021.
  • Zhao, Zhiqun, Hengyou Wang, Hao Sun, Wenming Cao, and Zhihai He. “Structure-Oriented Progressive Low-Rank Image Restoration for Defending Adversarial Attacks.” In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2021
  • Luo, Yi, Wenming Cao, Zhiquan He, Wenlan Zou, and Zhihai He. “Deformable adversarial registration network with multiple loss constraints.” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (2021): 101931.
  • Jorgensen, Kyle, Zhiqun Zhao, Haohong Wang, Mea Wang, and Zhihai He. “Context-Aware Question-Answer for Interactive Media Experiences.” In ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, pp. 156-166. 2021.
  • Zhao Zhiqun, Hengyou Wang, and Zhihai He, Removing Adversarial Noise via Low-rank Completion of High-sensitivity Points, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Jan 2021.
  • Ahmed Ahmed and Zhihai He, “Ensemble Diversified Learning for Image Classification with Noisy Labels”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Jan 2021.
  • Celina Ma, Hao Sun, Zhihai He, and Haohong Wang, Powering TV Experiences with Anytime Environmental Exploration, CHI 2021 Late Breaking Work, Jan 2021.
  • Nuguri, Sai Shreya, Prasad Calyam, Roland Oruche, Aniket Gulhane, Samaikya Valluripally, Janine Stichter, and Zhihai He. “vSocial: a cloud-based system for social virtual reality learning environment applications in special education.” Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (2021): 16827-16856.
  • Sun, Hao, Zhiqun Zhao, Zhaozheng Yin, and Zhihai He. “Reciprocal Twin Networks for Pedestrian Motion Learning and Future Path Prediction.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2021).
  • Moniruzzaman, Md, Zhaozheng Yin, Zhihai He, Ruwen Qin, and Ming Leu. “Human Action Recognition by Discriminative Feature Pooling and Video Segmentation Attention Model.” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2021).
  • Jianhe Yuan and Zhihai He, Consistency-Sensitivity Guided Ensemble Black-Box Adversarial Attacks in Low-Dimensional Spaces, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021. .
  • Shichao Kan, Yigang Cen, and Zhihai He, Relative Order Analysis and Optimization for Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Features, IEEE Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2021.
  • Yang Li, Shichao Kan, and Zhihai He, Spatial Assembly Networks for Image Representation Learning, IEEE Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2021.


  • Kan, Shichao, Yi Cen, Yigang Cen, Mladenovic Vladimir, Yang Li, and Zhihai He. “Zero-Shot Learning to Index on Semantic Trees for Scalable Image Retrieval.” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30 (2020): 501-516.
  • Li, Yang, Shichao Kan, Wenming Cao, and Zhihai He. “Learned Model Composition with Critical Sample Look-Ahead for Semi-Supervised Learning on Small Sets of Labeled Samples.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2020).
  • Sun, Hao, Guanghan Ning, Zhiqun Zhao, Zhongchao Huang, and Zhihai He. “Automated work efficiency analysis for smart manufacturing using human pose tracking and temporal action localization.” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (2020): 102948.
  • Yang Li, Zhiqun Zhao, Yigang Cen, and Zhihai He, Snowball: Iterative Model Evolution and Confident Sample Discovery for Semi-Supervised Learning on Very Small Labeled Datasets, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, May 2020.
  • S. Nuguri, P. Calyam, R. Oruche, A. Gulhane, S. Valluripally, J. Stichter, Z. He, “vSocial: A Cloud-based System for Social Virtual Reality Learning Environment Applications in Special Education”, Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020.
  • Moniruzzaman Md, Leu, Ming C., Qin, Ruwen, Zhihai He, Zhaozheng Yin, Action Completeness Modeling with Background Aware Networks for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization, accepted by ACM Multimedia 2020.
  • Yang Li, Shichao Kan, and Zhihai He, Unsupervised Deep Metric Learning with Transformed Attention Consistency and Contrastive Clustering Loss, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2020.
  • Hao Sun and Zhihai He, “Reciprocal learning networks for human trajectory prediction,” IEEE Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2020 (Oral paper).
  • Jianhe Yuan and Zhihai He, “Ensemble generative cleaning for adversarial defense of deep neural networks,” IEEE Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2020.
  • Qiubin Lin, Wenmin Cao, Zhiquan He, and Zhihai He, “Mask cross-modal hashing,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, March, 2020.
  • Zhao, Zhiqun, Hengyou Wang, Hao Sun, and Zhihai He. “L1-Norm Low-Rank Linear Approximation for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks.” Neurocomputing (2020).
  • Cao, Wenming, Wenshuo Feng, Qiubin Lin, Guitao Cao, and Zhihai He. “A review of hashing methods for multimodal retrieval.” IEEE Access 8 (2020): 15377-15391.
  • Yuan, Jianhe, and Zhihai He. “Adversarial Dual Network Learning with Randomized Image Transform for Restoring Attacked Images.” IEEE Access 8 (2020): 22617-22624.
  • Zhong, Jianqi, Hao Sun, Wenming Cao, and Zhihai He. “Pedestrian Motion Trajectory Prediction with Stereo-Based 3D Deep Pose Estimation and Trajectory Learning.” IEEE Access 8 (2020): 23480-23486.
  • Lin, Qiubin, Wenming Cao, Zhihai He, and Zhiquan He. “Semantic Deep Cross-modal Hashing.” Neurocomputing (2020).
  • Cao, Wenming, Zhiyue Yan, Zhiquan He, and Zhihai He. “A Comprehensive Survey on Geometric Deep Learning.” IEEE Access 8 (2020): 35929-35949.
  • Kan, Shichao, Linna Zhang, Zhihai He, Yigang Cen, Shiming Chen, and Jikun Zhou. “Metric learning-based kernel transformer with triplets and label constraints for feature fusion.” Pattern Recognition 99 (2020): 107086.
  • Ahmed, Ahmed, Hayder Yousif, Roland Kays, and Zhihai He. “Animal species classification using deep neural networks with noise labels.” Ecological Informatics 57 (2020): 101063.


  • Yousif, Hayder, Jianhe Yuan, Roland Kays, and Zhihai He. “Animal Scanner: Software for classifying humans, animals, and empty frames in camera trap images.” Ecology and Evolution 9, no. 4 (2019): 1578-1589.
  • Wang, Hengyou, Yang Li, Yigang Cen, Zhihai He, and Linna Zhang. “Multi-matrices low-rank decomposition with structural smoothness for image denoising.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2019).
  • Kan, Shichao, Yigang Cen, Zhihai He, Zhi Zhang, Linna Zhang, and Yanhong Wang. “Supervised deep feature embedding with handcrafted feature.” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28, no. 12 (2019): 5809-5823.
  • Cao, W., Lin, Q., He, Z. and He, Z., 2019. Hybrid representation learning for cross-modal retrieval. Neurocomputing, 345, pp.45-57.
  • Ahmed, Ahmed, Hayder Yousif, Roland Kays, and Zhihai He. “Semantic region of interest and species classification in the deep neural network feature domain.” Ecological Informatics 52 (2019): 57-68.
  • Cao, Wenming, Jianqi Zhong, Guitao Cao, and Zhiquan He. “Physiological function assessment based on Kinect V2.” IEEE Access 7 (2019): 105638-105651.
  • Wang, Rui, Ying Liang, Jing Wen Xu, and Zhi Hai He. “Cascading classifier with discriminative multi-features for a specific 3D object real-time detection.” The Visual Computer 35, no. 3 (2019): 399-414.


  • Zizza, Chiara, Adam Starr, Devin Hudson, Sai Shreya Nuguri, Prasad Calyam, and Zhihai He. “Towards a social virtual reality learning environment in high fidelity.” In 2018 15th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2018.
  • Yousif, Hayder, Jianhe Yuan, Roland Kays, and Zhihai He. “Object detection from dynamic scene using joint background modeling and fast deep learning classification.” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 55 (2018): 802-815.
  • Cao, Wenming, Fangfang Lyu, Zhihai He, Guitao Cao, and Zhiquan He. “Multimodal medical image registration based on feature spheres in geometric algebra.” IEEE Access 6 (2018): 21164-21172.
  • Cao, Wenming, Jianhe Yuan, Zhihai He, Zhi Zhang, and Zhiquan He. “Fast deep neural networks with knowledge guided training and predicted regions of interests for real-time video object detection.” IEEE Access 6 (2018): 8990-8999.
  • Cao, Wenming, Yuhong Li, Zhihai He, Guitao Cao, and Zhiquan He. “Supplementary virtual keypoints of weight-based correspondences for occluded object tracking.” IEEE Access 6 (2018): 9140-9146.
  • Wang, Haohong, Yaoyuan Fu, Yang Li, Guanghan Ning, Zhihai He, and Mengwen Liu. “A New TV World for Kids-When ZUI Meets Deep Learning.” In 2018 IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), pp. 124-129. IEEE, 2018.


  • Wang, Hengyou, Yigang Cen, Zhiquan He, Zhihai He, Ruizhen Zhao, and Fengzhen Zhang. “Reweighted low-rank matrix analysis with structural smoothness for image denoising.” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27, no. 4 (2017): 1777-1792.
  • Yousif, Hayder, Jianhe Yuan, Roland Kays, and Zhihai He. “Fast human-animal detection from highly cluttered camera-trap images using joint background modeling and deep learning classification.” In 2017 IEEE international symposium on circuits and systems (ISCAS), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2017.
  • Wang, Rui, Wenming Cao, and Zhihai He. “Vehicle recognition in acoustic sensor networks using multiple kernel sparse representation over learned dictionaries.” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 13, no. 4 (2017): 1550147717701435.
  • Hayder Yousif, Jianhe Yuan, Roland Kays, and Zhihai He, Object Segmentation in the Deep Neural Network Feature Domain from Highly Cluttered Natural Scenes, International Conference on Image Processing, Beijing China, Sep. 2017.
  • Guanghan Ning, Zhi Zhang, Chen Huang, Xiaobo Ren, Haohong Wang and Zhihai He, Spatially Supervised Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Object Tracking. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2017 (Oral Paper)
  • Ning, Guanghan, Zhi Zhang, Xiaobo Ren, Haohong Wang, and Zhihai He. “Rate-coverage analysis and optimization for joint audio-video multimedia retrieval.” In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 2911-2915. IEEE, 2017.


  • Wang, Hengyou, Yigang Cen, Zhihai He, Ruizhen Zhao, Yi Cen, and Fengzhen Zhang. “Robust generalized low-rank decomposition of multimatrices for image recovery.” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 19, no. 5 (2016): 969-983.
  • Zhao, Liang, Zhihai He, Wenming Cao, and Debin Zhao. “Real-time moving object segmentation and classification from HEVC compressed surveillance video.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 28, no. 6 (2016): 1346-1357.
  • Meng, Dan, Guitao Cao, Zhihai He, and Wenming Cao. “Facial expression recognition based on llenet.” In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 1915-1917. IEEE, 2016.
  • Huang, Chen, Zhihai He, Guitao Cao, and Wenming Cao. “Task-driven progressive part localization for fine-grained object recognition.” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 18, no. 12 (2016): 2372-2383.
  • Meng, Dan, Guitao Cao, Wenming Cao, and Zhihai He. “Supervised feature learning network based on the improved LLE for face recognition.” In 2016 international conference on audio, language and image processing (ICALIP), pp. 306-311. IEEE, 2016.
  • Zhao, Liang, Debin Zhao, Xiaopeng Fan, and Zhihai He. “HEVC compressed domain moving object detection and classfication.” In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 1990-1993. IEEE, 2016.
  • He, Zhihai, Roland Kays, Zhi Zhang, Guanghan Ning, Chen Huang, Tony X. Han, Josh Millspaugh, Tavis Forrester, and William McShea. “Visual informatics tools for supporting large-scale collaborative wildlife monitoring with citizen scientists.” IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 16, no. 1 (2016): 73-86.
  • McShea, William J., Tavis Forrester, Robert Costello, Zhihai He, and Roland Kays. “Volunteer-run cameras as distributed sensors for macrosystem mammal research.” Landscape Ecology 31, no. 1 (2016): 55-66.
  • Huang, Chen, and Zhihai He. “Task-driven progressive part localization for fine-grained recognition.” In 2016 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 1-9. IEEE, 2016.
  • Zhi Zhang, Zhihai He, and Wenmin Cao, Animal Detection from Highly Cluttered Natural Scenes Using Spatiotemporal Object Region Proposals and Patch Verification, IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 2079-2092, July 2016.
  • Chen Huang, Tony Han, Zhihai He, and Wenmin Cao, “Constellational Contour Parsing for Deformable Object Detection,” Vol. 38, pp. 540-549, Journal of Visual Signal Processing and Image Communication, July 2016.


  • Zhang, Zhi, Tony X. Han, and Zhihai He. “Coupled ensemble graph cuts and object verification for animal segmentation from highly cluttered videos.” In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 2830-2834. IEEE, 2015.
  • Ning, Guanghan, Tony X. Han, and Zhihai He. “Scene text detection based on component-level fusion and region-level verification.” In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 837-841. IEEE, 2015.
  • Schuttler, Stephanie Grace, William McShea, Robert Costello, Tavis Forrester, Megan Baker, Elizabeth Kalies, Arielle Parsons et al. “eMammal citizen science camera trapping–collecting big data to answer wildlife questions.” In TDWG 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 2015.


  • Chen Huang, Tony Han, and Zhihai He, Multi-scale embedded descriptor for shape classification,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 25, No. 7, Oct 2014.
  • Zhang, Yongfei, Yunsheng Zhang, Shiyin Qin, Bo Li, and Zhihai He. “Delay-bounded priority-driven resource allocation for video transmission over multi-hop networks.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 24, no. 7 (2014): 1184-1196.
  • Chen, Guobin, Tony X. Han, Zhihai He, Roland Kays, and Tavis Forrester. “Deep convolutional neural network based species recognition for wild animal monitoring.” In 2014 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), pp. 858-862. IEEE, 2014.
  • Lv, Xutao, Tony X. Han, Zicheng Liu, and Zhihai He. “Randomized Support Vector Forest.” British Machine Vision Conference, 2014.


  • Yongfei Zhang, Shiyin Qin, and Zhihai He, “Rate-Distortion Optimized Unequal Loss Protection for Video Transmission over Packet Erasure Channels,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 28, No. 10, pages 1390 – 1404, Nov. 2013.
  • Shin, Jin-Hong, Brian Greer, Chady H. Hakim, Zhongna Zhou, Yu-chia Chung, Ye Duan, Zhihai He, and Dongsheng Duan. “Quantitative phenotyping of Duchenne muscular dystrophy dogs by comprehensive gait analysis and overnight activity monitoring.” PloS one 8, no. 3 (2013): e59875.
  • Ren, Xiaobo, Tony X. Han, and Zhihai He. “Ensemble video object cut in highly dynamic scenes.” In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1947-1954. 2013.


  • Zhou, Zhongna, Tony X. Han, and Zhihai He. “Semi-supervised learning for robust car windshield tracking and monitoring in live traffic videos.” In 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 489-492. IEEE, 2012.
  • Tang, Shuai, Xiaoyu Wang, Xutao Lv, Tony X. Han, James Keller, Zhihai He, Marjorie Skubic, and Shihong Lao. “Histogram of oriented normal vectors for object recognition with a depth sensor.” In Asian conference on computer vision, pp. 525-538. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. (acceptance ratio 5% for oral papers)
  • Zhang, Yongfei, Yunsheng Zhang, Shiyin Qin, and Zhihai He. “Resource-distortion modeling for video streaming over mesh networks with priority-based packet scheduling.” In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, pp. 416-421. IEEE, 2012.
  • ZHANG, Yongfei, Yunsheng ZHANG, Chun YUAN, Shiyin QIN, and Zhihai HE. “Content-Aware Opportunistic Packet Scheduling with Dynamic Routing Algorithm for Multi-path Video Streaming over Mesh Networks.” Chinese Journal of Electronics 21, no. 2 (2012).


  • Junni Zou, Hongkai Xiong, Chenglin Li, Ruifeng Zhang, Zhihai He, “Lifetime and Distortion Optimization with Joint Source/Channel Rate Adaptation and Network Coding Based Error-Control in Wireless Video Sensor Networks,” Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 1182-1194, March 2011.
  • Yunsheng Zhang, Yongfei Zhang, Shixin Sun, Shiyin Qin and Zhihai He, “Adaptive Resource Allocation with SVM-based Multi-hop Video Packet Delay Bound Violation Modeling,” Chinese Journal of Electronics (CJE) , Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 261-267, February 2011.
  • Yongsheng Zhang, Hongkai Xiong, Zhihai He, Songyu Yu, Chang Wen Chen, “Error Resilient Video Coding based on Wyner-Ziv Theorem with Decoder Side Non-Stationary Distortion Modeling,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 498 – 512, April 2011.
  • Liu, L., X. Zhuang, Z. He, and Y. Sun. “H. 264/AVC rate control with enhanced ratequantisation model and bit allocation.” IET image processing 5, no. 7 (2011): 619-629.
  • Yongsheng Zhang, Hongkai Xiong, Zhihai He, Songyu Yu, Chang Wen Chen, “Reconstruction for Distributed Video Coding: A Context-Adaptive Markov Random Field Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 1085 – 1099, August 2011.
  • Chenglin Li, Hongkai Xiong, Junni Zou, Zhihai He, “Joint Source and Flow Optimization for Scalable Video Multi-rate Multicast over Hybrid Wired/Wireless Coded Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 550-564, May 2011.
  • Zhou Z, Stone E, Skubic M, Keller JM & He Z, “Nighttime In-Home Activity Monitoring For Elder-care,” Proceedings, 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'11), Boston, MA, August 30-September 3, 2011, pp 5299-5302.
  • Zhang, Yongfei, Shiyin Qin, and Zhihai He. “Transmission distortion-optimized unequal loss protection for video transmission over packet erasure channels.” In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2011.


  • Xiong, Hongkai, Hui Lv, Yongsheng Zhang, Li Song, Zhihai He, and Tsuhan Chen. “Subgraphs matching-based side information generation for distributed multiview video coding.” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2009 (2010): 1-17.
  • Zhang, Yunsheng, Yongfei Zhang, Shixin Sun, and Zhihai He. “Rate-distortion control with delay bound constraint for video streaming over multi-hop networks.” In Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, pp. 418-429. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.
  • Zou, Junni, Hongkai Xiong, Chenglin Li, Li Song, Zhihai He, and Tsuhan Chen. “Prioritized flow optimization with multi-path and network coding based routing for scalable multirate multicasting.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 21, no. 3 (2010): 259-273.
  • Zhang, Yunsheng, Shixin Sun, and Zhihai He. “SVM-Based Multi-Hop Video Packet Delay Bound Violation Modeling over Mesh Networks.” In 2010 International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications, pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2010.
  • Zhang, Yunsheng, Yongfei Zhang, Shixin Sun, Shiyin Qin, and Zhihai He. “Multihop packet delay bound violation modeling for resource allocation in video streaming over mesh networks.” IEEE transactions on multimedia 12, no. 8 (2010): 886-900.
  • Zhang, Yongsheng, Hongkai Xiong, Zhihai He, and Songyu Yu. “Reconstruction for distributed video coding: A Markov random field approach with context-adaptive smoothness prior.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2010, vol. 7744, p. 774417. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2010.
  • Zhao, Xiwen, and Zhihai He. “Local structure learning and prediction for efficient lossless image compression.” In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 1286-1289. IEEE, 2010.


  • Zhang, Yongfei, Shiyin Qin, and Zhihai He. “Fine-granularity transmission distortion modeling for video packet scheduling over mesh networks.” IEEE Transactions on multimedia 12, no. 1 (2009): 1-12.
  • Sun, Yu, Yimin Zhou, Zhidan Feng, Zhihai He, and Shixin Sun. “Incremental rate control for H. 264/AVC video compression.” IET image processing 3, no. 5 (2009): 286-298.
  • Harvey, Nicholas, Zhongna Zhou, James M. Keller, Marilyn Rantz, and Zhihai He. “Automated estimation of elder activity levels from anonymized video data.” In 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 7236-7239. IEEE, 2009.
  • Zhou, Zhongna, Wenqing Dai, Jay Eggert, Jarod T. Giger, James Keller, Marilyn Rantz, and Zhihai He. “A real-time system for in-home activity monitoring of elders.” In 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 6115-6118. IEEE, 2009.
  • Chung, Yu-Chia, Tony X. Han, and Zhihai He. “Building recognition using sketch-based representations and spectral graph matching.” In 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 2014-2020. IEEE, 2009.
  • Chung, Yu-Chia, and Zhihai He. “Reliability analysis for global motion estimation.” IEEE Signal Processing Letters 16, no. 11 (2009): 977-980.
  • Sun, Zhao, Xi Chen, and Zhihai He. “Adaptive critic design for energy minimization of portable video communication devices.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 20, no. 1 (2009): 27-37.
  • He, Zhihai. “Energy-efficient integrated camera and sensor system design for wildlife activity monitoring.” In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, pp. 1580-1581. IEEE, 2009.
  • Lv, Hui, Hongkai Xiong, Li Song, Zhihai He, and Tsuhan Chen. “Graph matching based side information generation for distributed multi-view video coding.” In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2009.
  • Zou, Junni, Hongkai Xiong, Li Song, Zhihai He, and Tsuhan Chen. “Prioritized flow optimization with generalized routing for scalable multirate multicasting.” In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2009.
  • Zhou, Zhongna, Xi Chen, Yu-Chia Chung, Zhihai He, Tony X. Han, and James M. Keller. “Video-based activity monitoring for indoor environments.” In 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1449-1452. IEEE, 2009.
  • Dai, Wenqing, Yu Sun, and Zhihai He. “Efficient H. 264 video coding with a working memory of objects.” In 2009 Picture Coding Symposium, pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2009.
  • Zhao, Xiwen, and Zhihai He. “Lossless image compression using super-spatial prediction of structural components.” In 2009 Picture Coding Symposium, pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2009.
  • Zhang, Yongfei, Shiyin Qin, and Zhihai He. “Packet-level transmission distortion analysis for video streaming over mesh networks.” In 2009 Picture Coding Symposium, pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2009.
  • Moll, Remington J., Joshua J. Millspaugh, Jeff Beringer, Joel Sartwell, Zhihai He, Jay A. Eggert, and Xiwen Zhao. “A terrestrial animal-borne video system for large mammals.” Computers and electronics in agriculture 66, no. 2 (2009): 133-139.
  • Zhao, Xiwen, and Zhihai He. “Local structure learning and prediction for efficient image compression.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2009, vol. 7257, p. 72570Y. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2009.
  • He, Zhihai. “Coding with structurelets.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2009, vol. 7257, p. 72570Z. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2009.
  • Sun, Yu, Yimin Zhou, Zhidan Feng, and Zhihai He. “An incremental basic unit level QP determination algorithm for H. 264/AVC rate control.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2009, vol. 7257, pp. 534-542. SPIE, 2009.
  • Zhang, Yongfei, Shiyin Qin, Xiwen Zhao, and Zhihai He. “Content-aware packet scheduling for multi-session video streaming over wireless mesh networks.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2009, vol. 7257, p. 725713. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2009.


  • He, Zhihai, and Dapeng Oliver Wu. “Linear rate control and optimum statistical multiplexing for H. 264 video broadcast.” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 10, no. 7 (2008): 1237-1249.
  • Sun, Yu, Yimin Zhou, Zhidan Feng, and Zhihai He. “A novel incremental rate control scheme for H. 264 video coding.” In 2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 1612-1615. IEEE, 2008.
  • Zhou, Zhongna, Xi Chen, Yu-Chia Chung, Zhihai He, Tony X. Han, and James M. Keller. “Activity analysis, summarization, and visualization for indoor human activity monitoring.” IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 18, no. 11 (2008): 1489-1498.
  • Ahmad, Ishfaq, Zhihai He, Mark Liao, Fernando Pereira, and Ming-Ting Sun. “Special issue on video surveillance.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 18, no. 8 (2008): 1001-1005.
  • Rantz, Marilyn J., Rosemary T. Porter, Debra Cheshier, Donna Otto, Charles H. Servey III, Rebecca A. Johnson, Myra Aud et al. “TigerPlace, a State-Academic-Private project to revolutionize traditional Long-Term care.” Journal of Housing for the Elderly 22, no. 1-2 (2008): 66-85.
  • He, Zhihai, Jay Eggert, Wenye Cheng, Xiwen Zhao, Joshua Millspaugh, Remington Moll, Jeff Beringer, and Joel Sartwell. “Energy-aware portable video communication system design for wildlife activity monitoring.” IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 8, no. 2 (2008): 25-37.
  • Lv, Hui, Hongkai Xiong, Yongsheng Zhang, and Zhihai He. “Side information generation with constrained relaxation for distributed multi-view video coding.” In 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 3450-3453. IEEE, 2008.
  • He, Zhihai, Wenye Cheng, and Xi Chen. “Energy minimization of portable video communication devices based on power-rate-distortion optimization.” IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 18, no. 5 (2008): 596-608.
  • Rantz, M., Skubic, M., Burks, K., Yu, J., Demiris, G., Hensel, B.K., Alexander, G.L., He, Z., Tyrer, H.W., Hamilton, M. and Lee, J., 2008. Functional assessment technologies. In Eldercare technology for clinical practitioners (pp. 5-32). Humana Press.
  • Rantz, M.J., Aud, M.A., Alexander, G.L., Oliver, D., Minner, D., Skubic, M., Keller, J.M., He, Z., Popescu, M., Demiris, G. and Miller, S., 2008. TigerPlace: An innovative educational and research environment. Nursing publications (MU).


  • Moll, Remington J., Joshua J. Millspaugh, Jeff Beringer, Joel Sartwell, and Zhihai He. “A new ‘view’of ecology and conservation through animal-borne video systems.” Trends in ecology & evolution 22, no. 12 (2007): 660-668.
  • Wang, Bo, Zhihai He, and Yu Sun. “Distributed rate allocation and performance optimization for video communication over mesh networks.” In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 6, pp. VI-501. IEEE, 2007.
  • He, Zhihai. “Peak transform for efficient image representation and coding.” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16, no. 7 (2007): 1741-1754.
  • Wang, Bo, and Zhihai He. “Distributed optimization over wireless sensor networks using swarm intelligence.” In 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2502-2505. IEEE, 2007.
  • Chung, Yu-chia, and Zhihai He. “Low-complexity and reliable moving objects detection and tracking for aerial video surveillance with small uavs.” In 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2670-2673. IEEE, 2007.
  • Zhao, Jing, Dapeng Wu, Deniz Erdogmus, Yuguang Fang, and Zhihai He. “Adaptive motion estimation schemes using maximum mutual information criterion.” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7, no. 2 (2007): 205-215.
  • He, Zhihai. “Image compression using constrained relaxation.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2007, vol. 6508, pp. 932-937. SPIE, 2007.
  • Wu, Dapeng, and Zhihai He. “Cross-layer optimization for wireless video communication.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2007, vol. 6508, p. 650817. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2007.
  • He, Zhihai. “Peak Transform-A Nonlinear Transform for Efficient Image Representation and Coding.” In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 3, pp. III-177. IEEE, 2007.


  • Chen, Xi, Zhihai He, Derek Anderson, James Keller, and Marjorie Skubic. “Adaptive silouette extraction and human tracking in complex and dynamic environments.” In 2006 international conference on image processing, pp. 561-564. IEEE, 2006.
  • Cheng, Wenye, Xi Chen, and Zhihai He. “Doubling of the operational lifetime of portable video communication devices using power-rate-distortion analysis and control.” In 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 2473-2476. IEEE, 2006.
  • Wang, Bo, and Zhihai He. “Performance optimization of wireless video sensor networks using swarm optimization with convex mapping.” In 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 1293-1296. IEEE, 2006.
  • He, Zhihai, and Hongkai Xiong. “Transmission distortion analysis for real-time video encoding and streaming over wireless networks.” IEEE transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 16, no. 9 (2006): 1051-1062.
  • Chen, C., and Zhihai He. “Signal processing challenges in next generation multimedia communications.” China Communications 4, no. 5 (2006): 20-29.
  • Anderson, Derek, James M. Keller, Marjorie Skubic, Xi Chen, and Zhihai He. “Recognizing falls from silhouettes.” In 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 6388-6391. IEEE, 2006.
  • Tyrer, Harry W., Majd Alwan, George Demiris, Zhihai He, Jim Keller, Marjorie Skubic, and Marilyn Rantz. “Technology for successful aging.” In 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 3290-3293. IEEE, 2006.
  • Cai, Jianfei, Zhihai He, and Chang Wen Chen. “A novel frame-level bit allocation based on two-pass video encoding for low bit rate video streaming applications.” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 17, no. 4 (2006): 783-798.
  • Chen, Xi, Zhihai He, James M. Keller, Derek Anderson, and Marjorie Skubic. “Adaptive silhouette extraction in dynamic environments using fuzzy logic.” In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 236-243. IEEE, 2006.
  • He, Zhihai, Ram Venkataraman Iyer, and Phillip R. Chandler. “Vision-based UAV flight control and obstacle avoidance.” In 2006 American Control Conference, pp. 5-pp. IEEE, 2006.
  • Iyer, Ram V., Zhihai He, and Phillip R. Chandler. “On the computation of the ego-motion and distance to obstacles for a micro air vehicle.” In 2006 American Control Conference, pp. 6-pp. IEEE, 2006.
  • Yuan, Yong, Zhihai He, and Min Chen. “Virtual MIMO-based cross-layer design for wireless sensor networks.” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 55, no. 3 (2006): 856-864.
  • He, Zhihai, and Dapeng Wu. “Resource allocation and performance analysis of wireless video sensors.” IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 16, no. 5 (2006): 590-599.
  • He, Zhihai, and Dapeng Wu. “Resource allocation and cross-layer optimization for real-time wireless video communication over portable devices.” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technology (2006).
  • He, Zhihai, Wenye Cheng, and Xi Chen. “Extending the Lifetime of Portable Video Communication Devices Using Power-Rate-Distortion Optimization.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System for Video Technology (2006).
  • He, Zhihai, and Xi Chen. “Correlation structure analysis for distributed video compression over wireless video sensor networks.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2006, vol. 6077, p. 60770S. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2006.
  • He, Zhihai, Milind Desphande, and Dapeng Wu. “Optimal video sensing strategy and performance optimization for mobile wireless video sensors.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2006, vol. 6077, p. 60771M. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2006.
  • He, Zhihai, Wenye Cheng, and Xi Chen. “Optimum bit and energy resources allocation and lifetime maximzation for portable video communication devices.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2006, vol. 6077, pp. 551-559. SPIE, 2006.
  • He, Zhihai, Lei Cao, and Hui Cheng. “Correlation estimation and performance optimization for distributed image compression.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2006, vol. 6077, p. 60770R. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2006.
  • Yuan, Yong, Zongkai Yang, Zhihai He, and Jianhua He. “An integrated energy aware wireless transmission system for QoS provisioning in wireless sensor network.” Computer Communications 29, no. 2 (2006): 162-172.
  • Demiris, George, Marjorie Skubic, Marilyn Rantz, James Keller, Myra Aud, Brian Hensel, and Zhihai He. “Smart home sensors for the elderly: a model for participatory formative evaluation.” human-computer interaction 6, no. 7 (2006).
  • Chen, Xi, Zhihai He, Derek Anderson, James Keller, and Marjorie Skubic. “Adaptive silhouette extraction and human tracking in dynamic environments 1.” International Conference on Image Processing, Oct. 2006.
  • Alwan, Majd, George Demiris, Z. He, J. Keller, M. Skubic, and M. Rantz. “Technology for successful ageing.” In Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc, pp. 3290-3293. 2006.


  • He, Zhihai, and Dapeng Wu. “Performance analysis of wireless video sensors in video surveillance.” In GLOBECOM'05. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005., vol. 1, pp. 5-pp. IEEE, 2005.
  • Chen, Hui Jun, Lei Cao, and Zhi Hai He. “Turbo decoding for combined distortions in distributed source coding.” In Multimedia Systems and Applications VIII, vol. 6015, p. 60150K. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2005.
  • He, Zhihai, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “From rate-distortion analysis to resource-distortion analysis.” IEEE Circuits and systems magazine 5, no. 3 (2005): 6-18.
  • Gao, Deyun, Jianfei Cai, Paul Bao, and Zhihai He. “MPEG-4 video streaming quality evaluation in IEEE 802.11 e WLANs.” In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005, vol. 1, pp. I-197. IEEE, 2005.
  • Ramachandran, Ganesan, Vignesh Krishnan, Dapeng Wu, and Zhihai He. “A model-based adaptive motion estimation scheme using Renyi’s entropy for wireless video.” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 16, no. 4-5 (2005): 432-449.
  • He, Zhihai, Wenjun Zeng, and Chang Wen Chen. “Low-pass filtering of rate-distortion functions for quality smoothing in real-time video communication.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 15, no. 8 (2005): 973-981.
  • Cai, Jianfei, Jianhua Wu, King Ngi Ngan, and Zhihai He. “Joint mode selection and unequal error protection for bitplane coded video transmission over wireless channels.” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 16, no. 4-5 (2005): 412-431.
  • He, Zhihai. “Unusual activity detection for persistent target surveillance.” In Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense IV, vol. 5778, pp. 945-952. SPIE, 2005.
  • He, Zhihai, and Dapeng Wu. “Accumulative visual information in wireless video sensor network: definition and analysis.” In IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2005. ICC 2005. 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1205-1208. IEEE, 2005.
  • He, Zhihai, Yongfang Liang, Lulin Chen, Ishfaq Ahmad, and Dapeng Wu. “Power-rate-distortion analysis for wireless video communication under energy constraints.” IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 15, no. 5 (2005): 645-658.
  • Dani, Janak U., Zhihai He, and Xiong Hongkai. “Transmission distortion modeling for wireless video communication.” In GLOBECOM'05. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005., vol. 4, pp. 4-pp. IEEE, 2005.
  • Wu, Dapeng, Y. Thomas Hou, Wenwu Zhu, Zhihai He, and Ya-Qin Zhang. “Adaptive QoS control for real-time video communication over wireless channels.” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 1, no. 1-2 (2005): 27-37.


  • He, Zhihai, Changwen Chen, and Jianfei Cai. “Lowpass filtering of rate-distortion functions for quality smoothing for real-time video recording and streaming.” In 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04., vol. 2, pp. 1101-1104. IEEE, 2004.
  • Cai, Jianfei, Wenning Zhan, and Zhihai He. “Optimal retransmission timeout selection for delay-constrained multimedia communications.” In 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04., vol. 3, pp. 2035-2038. IEEE, 2004.
  • Liang, Yongfang, Zhihai He, and Ishfaq Ahmad. “Analysis and design of power constrained video encoder.” In Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Circuits and Systems Symposium on Emerging Technologies: Frontiers of Mobile and Wireless Communication (IEEE Cat. No. 04EX710), vol. 1, pp. 57-60. IEEE, 2004.
  • Chen, Lulin, Zhihai He, Chang Wen Chen, and Michael A. Isnardi. “A half D1 MPEG-4 encoder on the BSP-15 DSP.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004, vol. 5308, pp. 1-5. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2004.
  • He, Zhihai, Yongfang Liang, and Ishfaq Ahmad. “Power-rate-distortion analysis for wireless video communication under energy constraint.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004, vol. 5308, pp. 57-68. SPIE, 2004.
  • He, Zhihai. “Automatic video object detection and mask signal removal for efficient video preprocessing.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004, vol. 5308, pp. 255-263. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2004.
  • He, Zhihai, and Chang Wen Chen. “Effective quality analysis for video streaming over wireless ad hoc network.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004, vol. 5308, pp. 996-1006. SPIE, 2004.
  • He, Zhihai. “An integrated system perspective for multimedia communication.” IEEE Multimedia 11, no. 01 (2004): 88-89.


  • He, Zhihai, and Tao Chen. “Linear rate control for JVT video coding.” In International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education, 2003. Proceedings. ITRE2003., pp. 65-68. IEEE, 2003.
  • Chen, Tao, and Zhihai He. “Single-pass distortion-smoothing encoding for low bit-rate video streaming applications.” In 2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME'03. Proceedings (Cat. No. 03TH8698), vol. 2, pp. II-237. IEEE, 2003.
  • He, Zhihai, and Chang Wen Chen. “Sequence level video quality smoothing and rate control for real-time video recording.” In Image and Video Communications and Processing 2003, vol. 5022, pp. 434-439. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2003.


  • He, Zhihai, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “A linear source model and a unified rate control algorithm for DCT video coding.” IEEE transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 12, no. 11 (2002): 970-982.
  • He, Zhihai, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “Optimum bit allocation and accurate rate control for video coding via/spl rho/-domain source modeling.” IEEE transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 12, no. 10 (2002): 840-849.
  • Cai, Jianfei, Zhihai He, and Chang Wen Chen. “Optimal bit allocation for low bit rate video streaming applications.” In Proceedings. International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 1, pp. I-I. IEEE, 2002.
  • He, Zhihai, and Chang Wen Chen. “Video coding using joint temporal-spatial compensation.” In Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, vol. 1, pp. 485-487. IEEE, 2002.
  • He, Zhihai, and Chang Wen Chen. “End-to-end video quality analysis and modeling for video streaming over IP network.” In Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, vol. 1, pp. 853-856. IEEE, 2002.
  • He, Zhihai, Jianfei Cai, and Chang Wen Chen. “Joint source channel rate-distortion analysis for adaptive mode selection and rate control in wireless video coding.” IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 12, no. 6 (2002): 511-523.
  • Chen, Lulin, Zhihai He, Sriram Sethuraman, and Chang Wen Chen. “MPEG-4 encoder implementation on MAP-CA.” In 2002 Digest of Technical Papers. International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE Cat. No. 02CH37300), pp. 276-277. IEEE, 2002.
  • He, Zhi-hai, Jian-fei Cai, and C. W. Chen. “Analytic end-to-end rate distortion modeling and control for packet video over wireless network.” In International Workshop on Packet Video. 2002.
  • He, Zhihai, and Chang Wen Chen. “Encoder-based rate smoothing and quality control for low-delay video coding and communication.” In Visual Communications and Image Processing 2002, vol. 4671, pp. 423-433. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2002.
  • Cai, Jianfei, Zhihai He, and Chang Wen Chen. “Optimal bit allocation for low bit rate video streaming applications.” In Proceedings. International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 1, pp. I-I. IEEE, 2002.
  • He, Zhihai, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “A unified rate-distortion analysis framework for transform coding: a summary.” IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 2, no. 3 (2002): 46-49.


  • He, Zhihai, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “A unified rate-distortion analysis framework for transform coding.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 11, no. 12 (2001): 1221-1236.
  • He, Zhihai, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “rho-domain bit allocation and rate control for real time video coding.” In Proceedings 2001 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No. 01CH37205), vol. 3, pp. 546-549. IEEE, 2001.
  • He, Zhihai, Yong Kwan Kim, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “Low-delay rate control for DCT video coding via/spl rho/-domain source modeling.” IEEE transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 11, no. 8 (2001): 928-940.
  • He, Zhihai, Yong Kwan Kim, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “Object-level bit allocation and scalable rate control for MPEG-4 video coding.” In Proceedings of Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4 (Cat. No. 01EX511), pp. 63-66. IEEE, 2001.
  • Kim, Yong Kwan, Zhihai He, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “A novel linear source model and a unified rate control algorithm for H. 263/MPEG-2/MPEG-4.” In 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings (Cat. No. 01CH37221), vol. 3, pp. 1777-1780. IEEE, 2001.
  • He, Zhihai, Yong Kwan Kim, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “/spl rho/-domain source modeling and rate control for video coding and transmission.” In 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings (Cat. No. 01CH37221), vol. 3, pp. 1773-1776. IEEE, 2001.


  • He, Zhihai, Tian-Hu Yu, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “Blockwise zero mapping image coding.” In Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No. 00CH37101), vol. 3, pp. 170-173. IEEE, 2000.
  • Yu, Tian-Hu, Zhihai He, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “Simple and efficient wavelet image compression.” In Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No. 00CH37101), vol. 3, pp. 174-177. IEEE, 2000.
  • He, Zhihai, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “Optimum quantization error feedback filter for wavelet image compression.” In Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No. 00CH37101), vol. 3, pp. 166-169. IEEE, 2000.
  • He, Zhihai, T-H. Yu, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “Wavelet image coding using blockwise binary classification and trellis coded quantization.” In Conference Record of the Thirty-Fourth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Cat. No. 00CH37154), vol. 2, pp. 1068-1071. IEEE, 2000.
  • Yu, Tian-Hu, Zhihai He, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “Novel coding scheme for wavelet image compression.” In Conference Record of the Thirty-Fourth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Cat. No. 00CH37154), vol. 2, pp. 1072-1076. IEEE, 2000.
  • He, Zhihai, Tian-Hu Yu, and Sanjit K. Mitra. “Fast and accurate rate prediction and picture quality control for wavelet image coding.” In Conference Record of the Thirty-Fourth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Cat. No. 00CH37154), vol. 2, pp. 1040-1044. IEEE, 2000.
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